St Paul's

Christians Together at Upton Cross and Rilla Mill is officially a partnership between St Paul’s (Anglican) at Upton Cross and Rilla Mill Methodist but in reality, draws its congregation (fellowship) from a much broader range of Christian traditions and a wider geographical area. Whatever your church background, or none, you will always receive a friendly welcome. We are blessed to be part of both the Callington Cluster of Anglican Churches and the Launceston Methodist Circuit and so benefit from dual clergy oversight – although the majority of our services are lay lead.

Sunday services are held at 10am. We meet on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of each month at St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross – a small mission church building with an intimate atmosphere, and on the 4th Sunday at Rilla Mill Village Hall. If there is a 5th Sunday in the month we join with the other congregations of the Anglican Cluster for a united service. On 1st and 3rd Sundays, the services follow an informal pattern – the style depending on the individual service leader. On 2nd Sundays, we hold a communion service - the leadership of which alternates between Anglican and Methodist clergy. All services at Upton Cross are followed by refreshments in the adjacent Crosslink Centre. The 4th Sunday service, at Rilla Mill, is a “Meet and Eat” – where we share our breakfast and our faith together – an opportunity for anyone who wishes to bring a contribution for the meal or for the worship (song, bible reading, testimony, prayer etc.).

As a fellowship, we seek to be disciples of Jesus and make a priority of Bible teaching and prayer. We recognise our responsibility to reach out to our community in Jesus’ name. On Wednesdays, we hold a Community Lunch for those over 60 in the Crosslink Centre. On Thursdays, during term time we help to staff a “Drop in Café” which meets in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross. Every other week during term time a team goes into Upton Cross Primary School to “Open the Book”. Every Friday morning we hold a prayer meeting, at 9.30am in the Crosslink Centre, to pray God’s blessing on the parish. In conjunction with St Melor’s, the parish church of Linkinhorne, we run a Pastoral Team which offers home visits to anyone in the parish.
We are a relatively small fellowship with between 20 and 25 meeting together each week so there is an opportunity for participation for any who are willing. We are a fairly informal gathering, not taking ourselves too seriously, but we are serious about our faith in and service for Jesus. Everyone is welcome - but be warned - if you attend for more than a few weeks you’re likely to find yourself on a rota!
If you would like to speak to one of us before attending any service or event, please contact Brian and Michelene Norris on 01579363515
You would be welcome at any of our services.